Hey there, I’m Catherine. I own Speak LLC and wear many hats (figuratively and literally). I write or oversee all content produced by our team, which scales up and down in size based on client needs.
I am a financial analyst-turned-writer who loves money, fashion, food, and horses. I am also a wife, mom, and grandma.
I will happily write an entertaining explanation of how fund glide paths work. But promoting myself with words is not my favorite task — despite the complexity of the subject matter. To keep things easy, I’ll simply share a few highlights about me and what I do.
1️⃣ I have been writing for major digital financial publications, including Forbes and The Motley Fool, for years. My client list also includes SEO agencies, in-house SEO teams, and in-house marketing teams. I also write for two blogs I own: TheBudgetFashionista.com and BlogChef.net.
2️⃣ I get great work done on time. Colleagues and clients know me as a doer with vision.
3️⃣ Per the INTJ personality framework, I am an architect. According to 16Personalities, I am “driven by an intense desire to master any and every topic that piques [my] interest.” That trait is essential to my success as a freelance writer.
4️⃣ I have had two stints of freelancing in my career. The first happened organically. I picked up a few clients while in graduate school and kept things rolling after graduation. The second happened by choice. I left freelancing for a writing job and got promoted into a marketing career path. Five years later, I reached VP status and realized I didn’t love it. I have been freelancing ever since.
5️⃣ ChatGPT sometimes does not love my writing. It’s apparently too casual. Fortunately, my feathers are not ruffled by this. I am intentional about style. I write for humans, not AI.
6️⃣ I can collaborate and work independently. I love the creative solutions that collaboration can produce and the efficiency of working independently.
7️⃣ I write to inspire, educate, and empower. Also, I’m a big fan of the Oxford comma — but I’ll leave it out if that’s what you need.
8️⃣ When I’m not working, you can find me riding a horse in the countryside.
Published writing work
Since 2000, I have written professionally for the finance, investing, automotive, insurance, food, fashion, and equestrian industries. I’ve been published in print and online many times over. See some of my work here:
- Forbes
- The Motley Fool
- Harbor Life Settlements
- Mycase
- Honestpolicy
- Budget Fashionista
- Blog Chef
- Motor Trend
- Soundxpression.com (PDF)